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Many young women dream of a successful career.

New figures show that women are prioritising their career more than ever before. Women are ambitious, talented and willing to put in the time and effort. The opportunities are available, so why not just do it?

Nicole edelenbos’s story:

“At the start of my career, I worked in extremely male sectors: insurance, property and football. At first, it never occurred to me that my being a woman would affect my career. I only realised this later after seeing that too many women with the potential and the ambition to get to the top were deciding to leave.”

During her career, Edelenbos noticed that women are viewed differently and that valuable female qualities are appreciated less than male qualities, despite the fact that women have much more to offer than they are currently able to show.

Sign up

Are you a Future Female Leader with the ambition and potential to get to the very top? Would you like to use the Future Female Leader Programme to optimally apply your knowledge and experience?

Limited places available

Are you a young woman looking to build a strong career?

If so, there’s no time like the present! Choose an organisation that is right for you and make sure you know how they play the game. Conduct yourself like a leader who deserves to progress higher. Network more, make yourself optimally visible and avoid being falsely modest. Make optimum use of your female qualities. Ensure you have a fully equipped toolbox and know exactly what tools you possess, what they are for and when they should be used. In each individual situation you must decide whether you need a hammer, a screwdriver, pliers or a combination of different tools.

For whom is the programme intended?

The programme was developed for women between the ages of 22 and 35 who are in the initial stage of their careers. The group consists of a minimum of ten participants. These participants are nominated for the programme by their employers or will work for FFL/clients of FFL after being selected for this programme. The selected group of Future Female Leaders who are given the opportunity to participate must have the ambition and the potential to reach the top of the management world. Selection for the FFL Programme is made by FFL and the experts affiliated with FFL based on the following competency profile.

Competency profile

Selection for the FFL Programme is made by FFL and the experts affiliated with FFL based on the following competency profile that the candidates must have the potential to fulfil:


She is the driving force. She is keen to face new challenges. She will use this programme to develop her own innate talent. She goes ‘beyond contract’.


She is dynamic and energetic. She is a woman of action. She is continually doing new things. She is tireless in her efforts and always keeps going. She is always enthusiastic about new opportunities, duties and challenges.

Analytical skills

She approaches matters systematically. She accurately and effortlessly analyses complex information. She gets right to the heart of the matter. She sees connections that are invisible to others.


She can handle criticism. She keeps going when confronted by setbacks. She achieves her goals despite disappointments and obstacles. She maintains firm belief in herself and her skills. She functions effectively under pressure without making mistakes.


She is capable of influencing people under any circumstances. She presents her ideas solidly enough to get them accepted. She persists with her ideas and proposals without badgering people. She makes the effort to convince others. She adjusts her arguments to accommodate other people’s sensibilities.


She takes the plunge. She ensures clarity. She has the guts to make unpopular decisions if the situation requires it. She takes full responsibility for her decisions.


She tells her stories effectively, ensuring the content is clearly expressed. She gives solid structure to her presentations. She gives effective examples that tie in with the audience’s reality. She supports her narrative both verbally and non-verbally. She connects with the audience during presentations.


She easily forges new contacts and is quickly accepted. She is capable of effectively making a connection with different types of people. She effortlessly engages with people she doesn’t know. She makes contact with others in a pleasant and enjoyable manner. She shows interest in people.

Do you recognise yourself in this profile?