The Future Female Leaders Programme is for young and talented female professionals with the ambition and potential to get to the very top of any business or non-profit organisation.
Let’s celebrate talent!
Grande Finale Future Female Leaders 2023/2024
Upcoming programmes:
Advanced programme [brochure]
Start: 22 October 2024
Apply until 3 weeks before start of the programme
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Taster programme [brochure]
Session 1: 28 & 29 November 2024
Session 2: 27 & 28 May 2025
Apply until 3 weeks before start of the session
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Women that have contributed to FFL
Women that have contributed to FFL

News & Media
During the Future Female Leaders programmes, a lot of pictures and videos are taken. Also, Nicole creates a lot of digital content herself. Here is an overview:
Ready to apply?
What does the FFL programme do?
The FFL Programme boosts the talent and skills of these young women by boosting their strength, versatility, resilience, effectivity and creativity.
ZThis way, they learn all of the various working methods and strategies within organisations at an early stage in their career, as well as learning to recognise and respond to the unspoken and unwritten game of influence and profiling.
The team behind FFL
These people make the Future Female Leadership Programme possible.
How can women reach the top positions within organisations?
Participants combine the FFL Programme with their regular job. Future Female Leaders are all working women and either complete the FFL Programme via their client or work for FFL BV on a secondment basis.
Do you want more women in the top positions within your organisation?
The Future Female Leaders Programme was specially developed for young, talented women with the ambition and drive to work their way up to the top of your non-profit or for-profit organisation.
Every FFL is assigned a mentor with practical experience at the top of their professional field.
The mentors are current or former directors, supervisory board members and/or consultants with an excellent reputation and extensive experience (at least 10 years) in a position bearing final responsibility in the business sector, the government, the healthcare sector or academia.
A select group consisting of professors, actors, CEOs, and entrepreneurs.
During compact and intensive sessions, these people share their specialist knowledge and expertise with the participants.
Participants of current and previous programmes:
Carlotta Brok
Dastan Hamad
Esmee Valk
Marjolein Koper
Nele van Ingen
Sophie Fabius
Stefanie Beekhuizen
Jildou Posthuma
Maartje Smallenbroek
Manouk Vermeulen
Margaux Dobber
Evelien Witteveen
Silvie van Helvoirt
Mirjam Koedijk
Doeshka Eertink
Yamy Vos
Ymke Kelders
Amanda de Wit
Barbara Olde Bijvank
Dorende Niezink
Eline Kramer
Liesbeth van Walsum
Lindsay Verheijen
Lindy Maris
Lotte van der Meulen
Robin Smeets
Safae Mouzouri
Semmy Pisa
Petra Borkent
Marktlink – Manager M&ADeja Duraku
Ahold – Lead e-commerce manager non food/near food/EtosAnna Jochems
Marktlink – Manager Fusies en OvernamesNadine van Heemskerk
Simon-Kucher & Partners – ManagerIris Hesselink
NIBC – Investment DirectorHilrieke Manschot
NDC – Creatief StrateegLisanne Mom
Dance4Life – Communicatie & PR managerAnouk Risamasu
WillisTowerWatson – Junior Investment ConsultantSuzanne Vromen
Tata Steel – OnderhoudsmanagerTess Pairon
Dance4Life – Partner & Network ManagerSuzanne Brasser
Tata Steel – Progamma Manager OnderhoudNoof Mousa
APG – ControllerMargarita Oberchuk
ATB – Head of Balance Sheet Risk ManagementLysette Hartman
NDC Mediagroep – Brandmanager Dagblad Van Het NoordenLea Sporken
APG – Asset Manager TraineeKatinka Iest
Tata Steel – Value Chain Optimization ManagerElrein Blom
Keolis – TeammanagerAnne Verhulst
E-Office – Manager OperationsAvinanda Neslo
Avinanda NesloAnnick Kuipers
Arzu Feta
Boukje Stille
Karin Bongers
Maria Dolgova
Marina Goense
Marloes Smit
Neeltje Denissen
Olena de Bruijn Golovachova
Reineke Davidsz
Renate Winkel
Carlotta Brok
Stefanie Beekhuizen
Sophie Fabius
Nele van Ingen
Marjolein Koper
Esmee Valk
Dastan Hamad
Jildou Posthuma
Maartje Smallenbroek
Manouk Vermeulen
Margaux Dobber
Evelien Witteveen
Silvie van Helvoirt
Mirjam Koedijk
Doeshka Eertink
Yamy Vos
Ymke Kelders
Amanda de Wit
Barbara Olde Bijvank
Dorende Niezink
Eline Kramer
Liesbeth van Walsum
Lindsay Verheijen
Lindy Maris
Lotte van der Meulen
Robin Smeets
Safae Mouzouri
Semmy Pisa
Petra Borkent
Marktlink – Manager M&ADeja Duraku
Ahold – Lead e-commerce manager non food/near food/EtosAnna Jochems
Marktlink – Manager Fusies en OvernamesNadine van Heemskerk
Simon-Kucher & Partners – ManagerIris Hesselink
NIBC – Investment DirectorHilrieke Manschot
NDC – Creatief StrateegLisanne Mom
Dance4Life – Communicatie & PR managerAnouk Risamasu
WillisTowerWatson – Junior Investment ConsultantSuzanne Vromen
Tata Steel – OnderhoudsmanagerTess Pairon
Dance4Life – Partner & Network ManagerSuzanne Brasser
Tata Steel – Progamma Manager OnderhoudNoof Mousa
APG – ControllerMargarita Oberchuk
ATB – Head of Balance Sheet Risk ManagementLysette Hartman
NDC Mediagroep – Brandmanager Dagblad Van Het NoordenLea Sporken
APG – Asset Manager TraineeKatinka Iest
Tata Steel – Value Chain Optimization ManagerElrein Blom
Keolis – TeammanagerAnne Verhulst
E-Office – Manager OperationsAvinanda Neslo
Avinanda NesloAnnick Kuipers
Arzu Feta
Boukje Stille
Karin Bongers
Maria Dolgova
Marina Goense
Marloes Smit
Neeltje Denissen
Olena de Bruijn Golovachova
Reineke Davidsz
Renate Winkel